Eastern NC Cinemas

The best place to watch movies in Eastern North Carolina is at Eastern NC Cinemas. We offer audiences of all ages a remarkable movie experience with our cutting-edge theaters and a comprehensive variety of the newest blockbuster releases. Eastern NC Cinemas has something for everyone, whether you're a movie enthusiast, a family looking for a fun excursion, or a couple on a date night.

At Eastern NC Cinemas, we take great satisfaction in providing first-rate amenities and first-rate customer service. Our theaters offer cozy seating, pristine digital projection, and engrossing surround sound to make sure you enjoy every second of the film. To sate your cravings while you watch, we also provide a selection of concessions, like popcorn, sweets, and hydrating liquids.

Eastern NC Cinemas offers a wide variety of films on several screens to suit a variety of tastes. We choose a roster that appeals to a broad audience, with everything from heartfelt dramas to amusing comedies to action-packed adventures. You may fully immerse yourself in the magic of the big screen thanks to the state-of-the-art audiovisual technology in our theaters.

Eastern North Carolina's Eastern NC Cinemas is ideally situated, making it accessible to both locals and tourists. Our theaters are well situated for your entertainment requirements, whether you're in Greenville, New Bern, or the neighboring counties.

Ticket Pricing Table Eastern NC Cinemas:

Ticket Type Price
Adult Starting from $10.50 - $12.50
Child (3-12) Starting from $8.50 - $10.50
Senior (60+) Starting from $8.50 - $10.50
Student Starting from $9.50 - $11.50
Military Starting from $9.50 - $11.50

Please be aware that ticket prices are subject to change and may vary depending on factors such as showtimes, special events, promotions, the day of the week, time of the day, location of the theater, and the type of movie (e.g., 2D, 3D, IMAX, Dolby, etc.).


Showtimes at Eastern NC Cinemas today, Monday, May 20, 2024

Imaginary (2024)

R13 | 2h40 |

The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 7-8

R13 | 2h50 | Concert/Special Events

Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024)

R13 | 1h34 | Action/Adventure, Animated, Comedy

Cabrini (2024)

R13 | 2h40 | Drama

Bob Marley: One Love (2024)

R13 | 1h47 | Drama